Appendix a: drum track parameters, Synth – Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual
Page 75

This appendix lists the parameters on the five PARAMETER pages for the drum tracks and explains them.
With one significant exception, each unique page contains the same parameters on all drum tracks. The
exception is the SYNTH page, where parameters will vary depending on the MACHINE selected.
TUN (Tune) sets the pitch of the voltage controlled oscillator in
chromatic semi-tones. To move faster, press the knob while turn-
ing it. Bipolar knob range (-64-+63).
SWT (Sweep Time) sets the pitch sweep time. Low values result
in a short sweep, while high values result in a long sweep.
Range (0-127).
SNP (Snap Amount) sets the amount of snap, an immediate
pitch sweep at the start of the sound attack phase. Use together
with TIC to shape the transient sound. Range (0-127).
DEC (Decay Time) sets the decay time of the sound. Low values
mean a steep, quick decay while high values produce a more
gentle slope and a sound of longer duration. Range (0-127).
WAV (Waveform) sets the voltage controlled oscillator waveform
to sine, asymmetric sine or triangle. The three waveforms, in that
order, produce sounds with increasing amounts of overtone con-
tent. (0, 1 or 2).
HLD (Hold Time) sets the hold time, the time before the decay
phase kicks in. Low values correspond to short hold time, high
values correspond to longer hold time. Use to shape the body of
the drum sound. Range (0-127).
TIC (Tick Level) sets the level of the tick sound with increasing
spectral definition. Use together with SNP to shape the transient
sound. Range (0-127).
LEV (Level) sets the volume level of the whole SYNTH sound, so
that it can be mixed with a sample in any proportions. Range (0-
Controls the sound synthesis of the percussion generator. The default parameters for the BD track with the
BDHD machine are shown here. For the SYNTH pages of other machines, see “Appendix D: MACHINES”.