Fx lfo – Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual

Page 85

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LFO1 (page 1)

SPD (Speed) controls the speed of the LFO. It is synced to the
BPM. For the LFO to be synced to straight beats, try settings of
8, 16 or 32. The knob is bi-polar. The LFO shape can be played
backwards by using negative values. Range (-64-+63).

MUL (Multiplier) multiplies the SPD parameter by the set factor.
Increases by the power of two for each step in the value range.
Range (1-2048).

FAD (Fade In/Out) makes it possible to fade in/fade out the LFO
modulation. The knob is bipolar. Positive values give a fade-out,
negative values give a fade-in. A mid position (0) will result in no
fade in/fade out. Range (-64-+63)

DST (Destination) selects the destination for the LFO. A list will
appear when you turn the knob. Choose a parameter from any of
the parameter pages. Turn the knob clockwise to go down the
list, counterclockwise to go up. Preview how the LFO modulation
will affect the sound by highlighting a destination. Confirm a
selection by pressing [YES/SAVE].

WAV (Waveform) sets the LFO waveform. There are seven
waveforms: Triangle, Sine, Square, Sawtooth, Exponential,
Ramp and Random.

SPH (Start Phase) controls where in the waveform the LFO will
start when it is trigged. Range (0-127). 0 is the start of a com-
plete wave cycle and 127 is the end point. 64 is the dead center.

MOD (Trig Mode) controls how the LFO will react when a note is
trigged. Five settings exist.

FRE is the default free-running mode. It makes the LFO

run continuously, never restarting or stopping.

TRG makes the LFO restart when a note is trigged.

HLD makes the LFO run free in the background, but when

a note is trigged the LFO output level is latched and held still
until the next note is trigged.

ONE will make the LFO start from the beginning when a

note is trigged, run for one cycle and then stop. This makes
its function similar to an envelope.

HLF will make the LFO start from the beginning when a

note is trigged, run for half a cycle and then stop.

DEP (Depth) controls how deep the LFO will modulate the desti-
nation that is set on the DST parameter. The knob is bipolar.
Both negative and positive modulation depth is possible. Positive
values start the oscillation toward the crest phase of the wave,
negative values start toward the trough phase of the wave. A
dead center setting, 0, equals no modulation depth at all. Range


The FX track LFO page parameters are shown and explained below.