Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual

Page 78

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ATK (Attack Time) controls the attack time of the amp envelope.
Range (0-127).

HLD (Hold Time) controls the hold time of the amp envelope,
before the decay phase kicks in. Range (AUTO, 1-127). The
AUTO setting means the hold phase is determined by the time
the pad of the drum track is physically pressed. Values in the
range (1-127) fix the hold phase, from very short times at the left
extreme to increasingly long times to the right, regardless of how
long the pad is pressed.

DEC (Decay Time) controls the decay time of the amp envelope.
Range (0-INF).

OVR (Overdrive) controls the overdrive, located before the multi-
mode filter. Range (0-127).

DEL (Delay Send) controls how much of the drum track signal
will be sent to the Delay effect. Range (0-127).

REV (Reverb Send) controls how much of the drum track signal
will be sent to the Reverb effect. Range (0-127).

PAN (Pan) positions the Sound of the drum track in the stereo
field.The knob works in a bipolar fashion, with 0 being the per-
fectly balanced midpoint, -64 sending all sound to the left chan-
nel and +63 sending all sound to the right.

VOL (Volume) controls the total volume of the Sound. This
parameter is independent of the overall track level. Range (0-

The AMP page controls parameters for the amplitude envelope, the overdrive, the effects sends, panning
and volume.