Sample – Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual
Page 76

TUN (Tune) sets the pitch of the sample in equivalents of chro-
matic semitones. To move faster, press the knob while turning it.
The knob works in a bipolar fashion, with 0, north, leaving the
pitch unchanged. Range (-24-+24), equivalent to four octaves.
FIN (Fine Tune) fine tunes the pitch of the sample. This parame-
ter is an offset from the TUN parameter. The knob works in a
bipolar fashion. The whole range (-64-+63) spans one semitone
down and one semitone up.
BR (Bit Reduction) increasing the value of this parameter
decreases the resolution of the sample, making it more grainy.
Use when you want the sound of your drum sample to punch
dirty like the sound effects of classic coin-op fighting games.
Range (0-127).
SMP (Sample Slot) turn this knob to browse the list of up to 127
samples loaded into the project. Turn the knob clockwise to scroll
down the list, counterclockwise to scroll up. The first position,
OFF, plays no sample at all. Range (OFF, 1-127).
STA (Start) sets the starting point for the playback of the sample.
The extreme values of the range (0-120) are the very beginning
and the very end of the sample, respectively. This is a codepend-
ent parameter and must be set together with END.
END (End) sets the end point for the playback of the sample.
The extreme values of the range (0-120) are the very beginning
and the very end of the sample, respectively. If the value of END
is lower than the value of STA, the sample will be played back
LOP (Loop) when OFF, the sample will be played back once
every time it is trigged. When ON, the sample will loop continu-
ously for the length of the trig (set with LEN on the TRIG page),
confined by the AMP page envelope parameter settings HLD
and DEC. (1/0 - ON/OFF).
LEV (Level) sets the volume level of the sample playback, so
that it can be mixed with a synthesized drum sound in any pro-
portions. Range (0-127).
The parameters on this page control the playback of the user samples. A project has 127 user sample
slots. Within each kit, these samples may be dynamically allocated, modulated and customized.