The sequencer, Basic pattern operations, Selecting a pattern – Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual
Page 40

The sequencer of the Analog Rytm stores beat information in patterns. A pattern controls the playback of the
drum tracks, the FX track and various pattern-specific aspects of these. Each of the 8 banks, ranging from A to
H, contains 16 patterns, which means 128 patterns are instantly available for each project. All changes made to
the patterns are stored automatically. Changes made to the active pattern can be reverted, as long as it is
active. Read more in the “PATTERN MENU” on page 37. A pattern contains:
General trig settings on the TRIG page (default note pitch, velocity et cetera).
Quantization settings.
Note trigs for all tracks.
Trigless locks for all tracks.
Parameter locks.
Sound locks.
Trig mutes.
Accent trigs.
Slide trigs.
Swing trigs & swing amount.
A kit linked to the pattern.
Length and time signature for the tracks.
Analog Rytm can seamlessly switch between patterns. This, along with the ability to chain patterns, is a handy
feature when improvising live.
Press the [BANK GROUP] key to choose the bank group from which a pattern will be selected. If for example
bank group A-D is chosen, patterns in banks A, B, C and D can be selected. Next, press a [BANK] key followed
by a [TRIG] key to select a pattern within the selected bank. To select pattern B05, for example, choose bank
group A-D using the [BANK GROUP] key. Then press [BANK B/F] and [TRIG] key 5.
Patterns containing data are shown with half-bright red
a full-bright red
be kept active, and linked to the new pattern.
When a pattern is playing and a new pattern is selected, the new pattern position will be shown flashing in the
lower left corner of the LCD screen (If default, SEQUENTIAL, pattern mode is active). Once the last step of the
pattern has played, the new pattern will start and the pattern position will cease to flash.
Pattern selection can be made using only one hand. After a [BANK] key has been pressed, a win-
dow will appear for a short while, stating “CHOOSE PTN”. If a [TRIG] key is pressed while this win-
dow is visible, a pattern will be selected.
Patterns can be changed while the sequencer is running.
Patterns can be changed and queued by sending program change messages.
After a pattern is selected, and before releasing any key, [REC], [PLAY] and [STOP] can be pressed
to copy, clear or paste patterns without leaving the active pattern. It is possible to clear and paste
multiple patterns at the same time.