Normal mode, Advanced mode, Normal mode advanced mode – Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual
Page 47

This is the default mode. In this mode all tracks of the pattern share the same length and time signature. This
screen will appear when the NORMAL setting is active.
The first two settings control the step length of the pattern. The leftmost number selects the number of steps in
the pattern. The maximum number of steps available to the pattern is determined by the total length, set by
parameter to the right. This can be either 16, 32, 48 or 64 steps. If 17 steps or more are used in a pattern, the
[PAGE] key is, while in GRID RECORDING mode, used to toggle between the different pattern pages.
The rightmost parameter controls the time signature of the pattern. It offers seven possible settings, 1/8X, 1/4X,
1/2X, 3/4X, 1X, 3/2X and 2X. A setting of 1/8X will play back the pattern at one eighth of the set tempo. 3/4X
plays the pattern back at three quarters of the tempo. 3/2X will play back the pattern twice as fast as the 3/4X
setting. 2X will make the pattern play at twice the BPM.
Trigs are automatically copied when extending the length of a pattern. If a pattern consists of for
example two pages and the pattern length is increased to four pages, the two added pattern pages
will be copies of the first two pattern pages.
Press the [PAGE] key for quickly changing the total length of the pattern. Press the [TRIG] keys to
quickly change the number of steps of the pattern.
A 2X time signature setting is useful for increasing the base resolution of the step sequencer to
32nd notes. A 3/4X setting is useful when Analog Rytm is playing alongside other instruments set
to the same BPM and you want Analog Rytm to play triplets.
In this mode the tracks of the pattern can be assigned individual lengths. Select ADVANCED mode by navigat-
ing to the SCALE column using the [LEFT] arrow key. Select ADVANCED by using the [DOWN] arrow key. In
ADVANCED mode, two columns exist, TRACK and MASTER.
The TRACK column sets the step length of the track. It works just like setting the pattern length in NORMAL
mode. The settings will only affect the active track. Press the [TRACK] keys to select the track whose scale set-
tings will be edited.
The MASTER column is only available in ADVANCED mode. Here the master length, the master change length
and the general time signature of the pattern are set.
LEN controls the amount of steps the pattern will play before all tracks are restarted. An INF
setting will make the tracks of the pattern loop infinitely, without ever being restarted. Note that
this setting also affects for how long the active pattern will play before a chained pattern will
start playing. This can be overridden by the CHNG parameter.
CHNG controls for how long the active pattern will play before a cued or chained pattern will
begin to play. This setting is important when for example LEN is set to INF. If no CHNG setting