Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual

Page 35

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DELETE will delete the Sound.

SELECT ALL selects all Sounds in the list.

DESELECT ALL deselects all Sounds in the list.

TOGGLE will enable or disable write protection for the selected Sounds. When a Sound is
write protected it cannot be overwritten, renamed, tagged or deleted.

SEND SYSEX sends the selected Sounds as SysEx data.

Sounds in the +Drive Sound library are organized into 16 banks, ranging from A to P. Each bank
can contain 256 Sounds. Use the [TRIG] keys to view only Sounds located in a specific bank.

You can preview the currently selected Sound by tapping the pad of the active track. All Sounds
available for the active track can be previewed. Please note that if the previewed Sound is sent to
the effects, the current effects settings will affect it.

Several Sounds can be simultaneously affected by the commands available in the SOUND OPER-
ATIONS menu. Select/deselect individual Sounds by highlighting them and pressing [YES/SAVE].

Press [FUNCTION] + [UP]/[DOWN] for faster scrolling in the Sound list.

CLEAR TRACK SOUND will set the PARAMETER page parameters of the active track to their default values.
When choosing this option a prompt will appear. Press [YES/SAVE] to reinitialize the parameters or [NO/
to cancel the operation. Note that no parameter information will be permanently lost until the kit is
saved to the same slot it was loaded from.

RENAME TRACK SOUND opens a NAMING screen where the Sound of the active track can be renamed.

SOUND SETTINGS opens a menu where various overarching Sound settings are found. These settings are
stored to the active kit. Use the [UP]/[DOWN] arrow keys or the LEVEL knob to scroll through the menu. Use
the [LEFT]/[RIGHT] arrow keys to change the settings.

MACHINE select the MACHINE with which the active track Sound will be generated. Only the
MACHINES available for the active track will be shown. In order to swiftly change MACHINE,
use the shortcut command by quickly pressing the first [PARAMETER] key, SYNTH, twice. To
find out more about MACHINES, see “Appendix D: MACHINES“.

CHROMATIC sets which parts of the Sound CHROMATIC mode, as well as the trig page NOT
parameter, will affect:

• OFF means the pitch will not be affected at all.

• SYNTH affects the pitch of the Synth part only.

• SAMPLE affects the pitch of the Sample part only.

• SYN+SMP affects the pitch of both Synth and Sample parts.

VELOCITY TO VOL select how velocity will affect volume when playing the Sound on the
[PADS] or with an external MIDI unit.