Reverb – Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual
Page 82

PRE (Pre-delay) controls the predelay time of the Reverb. Range
DEC (Decay Time) sets the decay time of the reverberated sig-
nal, essentially setting the size of the sonic room. Range (1-INF).
FRQ (Shelving Frequency) controls the shelving filter frequency.
Together with the GAI parameter it can be used to dampen the
reverberated signal above a chosen frequency, making the
reverberation sound more poignant or more muffled. Range (0-
GAI (Shelving Gain) affects the damping of the reverberated sig-
nal above the shelving frequency set by the FRQ parameter. At
max value the treble is included in the reverberations; lowering
the value gradually dampens it. Range (0-127).
HPF (HP Filter) controls the highpass filtering of the input to the
reverb. Range (0-127).
LPF (LP Filter) controls the lowpass filtering of the input to the
reverb. Range (0-127).
VOL (Mix Volume) sets the volume of the Reverb output signal.
The output is routed either before or after the Distortion and
Compressor effects, depending on the setting of the REV param-
eter on the DISTORTION page. Range (0-127).
The Reverb send effect controls the persistence and ambient characteristics of the sound reverberations. It can simu-
late many different sonic locations, from great spaces to small confinements.