Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual

Page 12

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15. DATA ENTRY knobs A-H. Used for setting parameter values. Press knob when turning to change values in

larger increments.

16. [PARAMETER] keys access the PARAMETER pages of the active track. LEDs directly

above the keys indicate if the page is active (red) or inactive (off). The five parameter page keys are, from
left to right:

SYNTH key accesses the SYNTH parameters of the track Sound. These control the drum synthe-
sis. When the FX track is active, the DELAY parameter page is accessed.
SAMPLE key takes you to the SAMPLE page. Various aspects of the sample playback are set on
this page. When the FX track is active, the REVERB parameter page is accessed.
FILTER key accesses the FILTER page. The analog multimode filter parameters are set here.
When the FX track is active, the DISTORTION parameter page is accessed.
AMP key takes you to the AMP page, where the shape of the amplitude envelope is set. When the
FX track is active, the COMPRESSOR parameter page is accessed.
LFO key accesses the LFO parameters for the active track.

17. [SONG MODE] activates/deactivates SONG mode. Secondary function is SONG edit.
18. [CHAIN MODE] activates/deactivates CHAIN mode. Secondary function initiates a new CHAIN.
19. [PAGE] selects the active pattern page, if the pattern is made of more than 16 steps.

LEDs indicate how many pattern pages the active pattern consists of and which pattern page is currently
active. The LED flashes on the pattern page currently playing. The secondary function accesses the
SCALE menu.

20. [STOP] stops playback. The secondary function is a paste operation.
21. [PLAY] starts the playback of the sequencer. The secondary function is a clear operation.
22. [RECORD] key. activates/deactivates GRID RECORDING mode. Keep [RECORD] pressed, then press

[PLAY], to activate LIVE RECORDING mode. Activate/deactivate QUANTIZATION of LIVE RECORDING
by keeping [RECORD] pressed, then tapping [PLAY] twice. The secondary function is a copy operation.

23. LED indicates if bank group A-D or E-H will be accessed by the [BANK] keys.
24. [BANK D/H] accesses pattern selection for either bank D or H. The secondary function is SLIDE.
25. [BANK C/G] accesses pattern selection for either bank C or G. The secondary function is SWING.
26. [BANK B/F] accesses pattern selection for either bank B or F. The secondary function is ACCENT.
27. [BANK A/E] accesses pattern selection for either bank A or E. The secondary function is TRIG MUTE.
28. [BANK GROUP] key. Toggles the active bank group, A-D or E-H. The secondary function toggles between

LED, directly below this key, shows these modes as green, off and red, respectively.

29. [TRIG] keys are used for entering or removing sequencer trigs, in combination with the [PADS], and param-

eter locks, in combination with the DATA ENTRY knobs. Also used to select pattern, when one of the
[BANK] keys has been pressed.

30. LEDs show trigs on the sequencer by a fully lit LED, while parameter locks are shown as flashing

LEDs, in GRID RECORDING mode. When a pattern is playing, or when LIVE RECORDING is enabled, a
fully lit LED “runs” along the 16 steps of the sequencer across all (up to four) pages at the set TEMPO.

31. [RETRIG] key will, if pressed in combination with one of the [PADS], continuously retrig the Sound. It also

lets you assign custom retrigs for each of the drum tracks on a side menu appearing on the LCD screen
whenever the key is pressed. Secondary function opens the CLICK TRACK menu.

32. [FUNCTION] key. Press, hold and press another key to access the secondary function of that key. Second-

ary functions are seen in red writing on the Analog Rytm front panel.

33. [TRACK] key. Press [TRACK] + one of the [PADS] to select a drum track for editing or for CHROMATIC

play. Note that the FX track has its own dedicated key. The secondary function opens the GLOBAL menu
where the global settings (SYNTH, SEQUENCER, MIDI et cetera) for the current PROJECT are made.
PROJECTS and SAMPLES are managed in the GLOBAL menu as well.