Filter – Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual
Page 77
ATK (Attack Time) controls the attack time of the filter envelope.
Range (0-127).
DEC (Decay Time) controls the decay time of the filter envelope.
Range (0-127).
SUS (Sustain Level) controls the sustain level of the filter enve-
lope. Range (0-127).
REL (Release Time) controls the release time of the filter enve-
lope. Range (0-127)
FRQ (Frequency) controls the cutoff frequency of the multimode
filter. Range (0-127).
RES (Resonance) sets the resonance behaviour of the filter.
Resonance introduces a peak in the spectrum at the cutoff fre-
quency. With the Bandstop filter type, there is a notch instead of
a peak. The notch will be at its widest at the lowest Resonance
setting. Range (0-127).
TYP (Filter Type) selects the filter type. Seven types are availa-
ble: 2-pole Lowpass, 1-pole Lowpass, Bandpass, 1-pole High-
pass, 2-pole Highpass, Bandstop, and Peak. Technically all of
them are resonant 2-pole filters, but the 1-pole types have a flat-
ter spectrum like simple 1-pole filters and are convenient for
equalizer duties.
ENV (Envelope Depth) controls the amount of cutoff frequency
modulation from the filter envelope. The knob is bipolar, meaning
that both negative and positive modulation depth is available.
Range (-64-+63)
On the FILTER page you will find all parameters that control the analog multimode filter and its associated envelope.