ChemoMetec SP-100 User Manual
Page 78

The information contained herein is to the best of our knowledge accurate and
complete. However sperm cells and sperm cell environments may vary in property.
Therefore systematic and/or random deviation between estimates obtained by the
NucleoCounter SP-100
and other cell counting methods may occur. As such, nothing
contained or stated herein including results obtained from use of the NucleoCounter SP-
100 or SP1-Cassette shall be construed to imply any warranty or guarantee.
ChemoMetec A/S and affiliated companies shall not be held liable for damages and
customers shall indemnify ChemoMetec A/S and affiliated companies against liability
flowing from use of potentially inaccurate data generated by the NucleoCounter SP-100.
It is recommended that all results obtained with the NucleoCounter SP-100 are
validated against appropriate reference methods and/or traditional laboratory methods
at regular intervals.