BendixKing SKYMAP IIIC User Manual

Page 88

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Screen 47B: CDI NAV Information Screen

This Screen presents numeric navigation information in small text but instead of a map

display, shows a pseudo CDI complete with OBS knob. The aircraft icon in the center of the

CDI will remain static and the outer ring represents the desired magnetic track between the
start waypoint and the destination waypoint (i.e. magnetic bearing to waypoint if you were on

track). On entering NAV Mode or activating a new flight plan leg or a DIRECT TO, the outer
ring will show the desired track to the active waypoint.
A GPS TRACK bug, which rotates with the aircraft’s actual track, is positioned on the CDI
outer ring. This indicates the actual magnetic track of the aircraft. There is also included a

conventional TO / FROM flag.
















Flying with the pseudo CDI is very similar to flying with a conventional VOR indicator. Off

track error (XTE) is represented by a bar that moves left or right of center. The center of
the scale represents the aircraft's position. As with a conventional CDI or VOR indicator,

to correct your track error, fly towards the bar. The full scale deflection or scale of the CDI
can be selected on Screen 23, NAV Mode Customization Screen.
In order to gain, and remain on the desired track, adjust your aircraft heading until the CDI
bar is centered. Once the CDI bar is in the center of the display indicating no cross track

error (XTE), adjust your aircraft heading in small increments until the track bug, which

rotates around the outer ring, is at the top of the display.
Once the CDI is centered and the track bug is aligned at the top of the display you are
flying precisely along your desired track. If the track bug is aligned at the top of the display

but the CDI bar is not centered, this indicates you are flying parallel to your desired track

by however far the XTE is indicating.
If whilst flying a flight plan you need skip to another waypoint in the flight plan, press key 5

(DIRECT TO) followed by key 3 (DIRECT TO) in exactly the same way as described
earlier in this section.
The TO / FROM flag will normally point up to indicate you are flying TO the waypoint.
When you pass your destination waypoint, the TO / FROM flag will point down to indicate

you have passed the waypoint and you are now flying away FROM your destination. As
you pass your waypoint and the FROM flag appears, the desired track ring will remain

fixed at the original desired track and the CDI will continue to show track error left or right
of the extended leg line.

Rev 9 Jul 2006


Skymap/Tracker IIIC Pilot's Guide