Data interrogation and graphical direct to, Data interrogation and graphical direct to 27 – BendixKing SKYMAP IIIC User Manual

Page 70

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even if there is a VOR nearer (i.e. airports have priority). If there is no airport within 5nm

then your position will be reported with respect to the nearest VOR or airport.
If you have chosen ALL DATA as the position reference on Screen 22 and your position is

within 5nm of an airport, your position will be reported as a distance and bearing from that
airport, even if there are nearer VORs, NDBs, towns, VRPs or user waypoints. If there is

no airport within 5nm then your position will be reported with respect to the nearest airport,
VOR, NDB, VRP, town or user waypoint.
All airport names are shown preceded by an asterisk character (*) in order to
distinguish them from towns or cities with similar names, which may have

significantly different locations.
At the bottom left hand corner of the display you will also see a Scale Bar showing a

measurement. The measurement may be in nautical miles, statute miles or kilometres
depending on the map units, which you have selected from Screen 22, Map Customisation

Pressing Key 4 will take you to Screen 41, the NAV Menu Cover Screen. Pressing Key 5

will take you to Screen 13 from which you can select a DIRECT TO destination.
Under normal circumstances, you will not see any joystick pointer on Screen 38.

However, if you do move the joystick, a pointer will appear just beside your present
position icon and the display will change to Screen 39 below.

Data Interrogation and Graphical DIRECT TO

Screen 39: Map Mode with Joystick Active Screen
















As soon as you move the joystick while in Screen 38, Map Mode, a Screen similar to the

above Screen 39 will be displayed. The map freezes in its present position with respect to
the joystick pointer and the aircraft symbol indicating your present position starts to move

across the Screen. A line appears between present position and the joystick pointer. (The
reason the map is made to stop moving is that this makes accurate positioning of the

joystick pointer much easier for you.)
Simultaneously, you will see the TRK and GS boxes have now changed to PDIS, PBRG

and PETE (where P indicates Pointer). These now show the distance and bearing from
present position to the joystick pointer and the pointer estimated time en-route (PETE).

Rev 9 Jul 2006


Skymap/Tracker IIIC Pilot's Guide