BendixKing SKYMAP IIIC User Manual
Page 57

building, along with data points from the internal database, or simply to add personalised
points to your map. A large choice of icon styles are available.
Marker User Waypoints are also user-defined waypoints. These can be configured to act
as alarm trigger markers. For example, say you are flying a flight plan and you know you
have to make a radio call or initiate a climb at a specific point. A Marker User Waypoint
can be positioned at that location (but not included in the flight plan) and be set up to
trigger an alarm. If a user waypoint is to be used as an alarm trigger, when it is
programmed it is given the name MARKERX.X (by pressing the MARKER key). The word
MARKER here notifies the software that this user waypoint is to be used as a marker point
only and that no name is to be printed next to the user waypoint icon on the map. The X.X
specifies the alarm trigger distance between 0.1nm and 9.9nm. The default is 1.0nm. A
circle of the specified radius will appear around the marker point on the map.
Whilst the Bendix/King software is searching to locate the nearest items for conventional
position reporting, if it pulls up a user waypoint named MARKERX.X, it will continuously
compare the distance from the present position to the Marker waypoint with the value X.X.
When the distance to the Marker becomes less than or equal to X.X then an audible alarm
will be triggered. A box will also appear at the top of the screen showing MARKER
IMMINENT. Key 5 will change to ALARM OFF and when pressed, will silence the audio
alarm and remove the MARKER IMMINENT message.
Should you wish a Marker waypoint to have a name next to it for reference, you simply
program a Basic User Waypoint with the same co-ordinates as the Marker and give this
one a conventional name. The User and Marker waypoint icons would then be
superimposed on each other, resulting in a single, named, waypoint.
User Defined Airports. Owing to the fact that many private and unlicensed airports are
not included within the Jeppesen database contained within your unit, you have the
opportunity to program up to 25 of your own USER DEFINED AIRPORTS. User
waypoints numbered 101 - 125 have been reserved for this purpose and whenever any of
these is selected for editing on Screen 8, User Waypoint Viewer Screen, then Screen 8A
will be displayed instead. This Screen allows the insertion of additional information, so
permitting 25 user waypoints to become user-defined airports. These will be shown on the
map pages with an airport icon instead of a user waypoint icon. The user-defined airports
will also be included in the ten nearest airports search on Screen 43, Ten Nearest Airports
Screen, and will receive equal priority with other database airports for position reporting
On Screen 39, MAP Mode with Joystick Active Screen, if the pointer is placed over a user-
defined airport and the MORE INFO Key is pressed, Screen 40, Map Mode Airport
Information Screen, will be displayed with the data you have entered being displayed.
Rev 9 Jul 2006
Skymap/Tracker IIIC Pilot's Guide