Manual flight plan building and editing, Manual flight plan building and editing 19 – BendixKing SKYMAP IIIC User Manual
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numbers. Once you have selected the flight plan you wish to edit, pressing Key 2, will
allow you to manually edit it.
Key 1, PREV PAGE, returns you to the Flight Planning Mode Cover Screen. Key 5, VIEW
MAP, calls Screen 19, enabling you to edit the selected flight plan graphically on the map.
Key 4, TRIP/FUEL gives access to the trip and fuel planning function. For more
information on this function please refer to the Trip/Fuel Planning information in the E6B
Calculator Section of this Manual.
If you access the above Flight Plan Selection Screen while a flight plan is active, the active
flight plan number is automatically displayed and you will find Key 5 has changed to FPLN
OFF and Key 2 is blank. As a safety measure the system will not allow you to edit the
active flight plan directly unless you touch Key 5, FPLN OFF. This will switch the flight
plan out of active status and re-enable Key 2 allowing you to edit what was until then the
active flight plan.
Manual Flight Plan Building and Editing
Screen 12: Flight Plan Program/Edit Screen
This Screen can be accessed either through the Flight Planning Mode Cover Screen (by
pressing FLIGHT PLAN in Main Menu followed by EDIT FPLN and SELECT) or through
the NAV Menu Cover Screen (by pressing NAV MENU in MAP Mode followed by FLIGHT
PLAN). For more information on the second form of entry to this Screen see Screen 41,
NAV Menu Cover Screen, in the NAV Menu Screens Section of this Manual.
When you enter this Screen you will find a cursor positioned over the first item in the
chosen flight plan. By using the joystick, you can move the cursor up or down. This
enables you to scroll in either direction through the entire flight plan in the display box.
Next to each waypoint in the column headed REF you will see a two-character code, which
gives the database origin of each point in the flight plan. The meanings of these codes are
as follows:
IA (Internal Jeppesen Airports); IV (Internal Jeppesen VOR’s); IN (Internal Jeppesen
NDB’s); IR (Internal Jeppesen Runways); IT (Internal Towns); II (Internal Jeppesen
Intersections/Approach Waypoints); WP (current user waypoint {if user waypoint link is
present}); OW (Old user waypoint {if user waypoint link has been broken}); UA (User
Airport {user waypoint numbers 101-125}) and PC (external data downloaded from a PC).
Rev 9 Jul 2006
Skymap/Tracker IIIC Pilot's Guide