Notes on the rmb sentence – BendixKing SKYMAP IIIC User Manual

Page 139

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3. X Direction to steer (L = left, R = right).

4. XXXX Four character start waypoint identifier. (first four characters of name).
5. XXXX Four character destination waypoint identifier.

6. DDMM.MM Destination Lat.
7. X Destination hemisphere (N or S).

8. DDDMM.MM Destination Long.
9. X Destination hemisphere (E or W).

10. XXX.X Range to destination in nautical miles.

11. XXX.X Bearing to destination TRUE.
12. XXX.X closing velocity in knots.

13. X Arrival flag. (A = arrival, V = not arrival).

Sample sentence.

Notes on the RMB sentence

The direction in field 3 is direction to steer, i.e. off track to the right, steer left.
If the unit is not in NAV or DIRECT TO mode, the flag in field 1 will show invalid (V).
If the unit is in DIRECT TO mode there will be no start point identifier so field 4 will be
blank (spaces). If in DIRECT TO mode where the DIRECT TO point is just a point in

space with no name, field 5 will be blank (spaces) also.
The arrival flag in field 13 is set to A when the Waypoint Alert message shows on screen

and stays set until the next leg is selected even if the Waypoint Passed message comes
up on screen.
At the end of the flight plan or DIRECT TO when the unit drops out of NAV mode, the flag
in field 1 will change to a V.
The closing velocity in field 12 is the vectored velocity towards the waypoint. There is no
provision for showing negative numbers so if answer is negative, all zeros will be sent.



Rev 9 Jul 2006


Skymap/Tracker IIIC Pilot's Guide