BendixKing SKYMAP IIIC User Manual

Page 67

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User Waypoint Edit Screen.
Now move the pointer to the second item in the flight plan and press Key 2, ADD WPT.

This will place an E (for End) next to the waypoint. To systematically create additional

legs, draw a line from the waypoint marked (E), with the pointer, to the next waypoint and
press ADD WPT again. You will notice that the last point in the flight plan will always be

labelled (E). Once you have finished building the flight plan press PREV PAGE, this will
detach the pointer from the flight plan. Press PREV PAGE again to return to screen

entered from, saving any changes made.
If you wish to add a new waypoint to a flight plan which you have stopped building (which

is also the case if you are editing an existing flight plan), whether it is at the start, the end
or the middle of the flight plan, you will need to highlight the appropriate point (i.e.: either

the start waypoint (S), the end waypoint (E) or the leg line in which you wish to add a new
waypoint). As soon as you do this, the ADD WPT or GRAB LINE key will appear. Press

the ADD WPT or GRAB LINE key to join the pointer back to the flight plan line and then

move it to the new waypoint (NOTE: key 2 reverts to ADD WPT at this point). Once over
the new waypoint press ADD WPT to insert it, otherwise press PREV PAGE to cancel this

action. Pressing Key 1 PREV PAGE again, returns to the screen entered from, saving any
changes made.
If, for example you wanted to add DEAL into the existing flight plan going from MANSTON
to DOVER VOR shown in the illustration above, you would first position the pointer over

the track line between Manston and Dover VOR, thereby highlighting it and then press Key
2, GRAB LINE. This will pick up the line. You would then move the pointer, stretching the

track line like a rubber band, until it was over DEAL and press Key 2, ADD WPT. The new
track line would then be set joining MANSTON to DEAL to DOVER VOR and the numbers

shown next to DOVER VOR and all subsequent waypoints would be increased by one.

DEAL would become 01, DOVER VOR 02 etc.





If, for example you wanted to add HERNE BAY to the end of the flight plan illustrated

above, simply move the pointer over MANSTON, thereby highlighting it and then press
Key 2, ADD WPT. This will draw a line from Manston to the pointer. Next move the

pointer until it is over HERNE BAY, highlight it and press Key 2, ADD WPT again.
To delete a waypoint from a flight plan, point at the item you wish to remove and press Key

5, DELETE WPT. To delete a newly created user waypoint, you have to return to Screen
9, Manual User Waypoint Edit Screen, or 10, View and Edit User Waypoints on the Map

Screen. You can create user waypoints on Screen 19 but not delete them from there.

Rev 9 Jul 2006


Skymap/Tracker IIIC Pilot's Guide