Manual user waypoint editing, Manual user waypoint editing 16 – BendixKing SKYMAP IIIC User Manual

Page 59

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displays Screen 10, which is the Graphical User Waypoint Editing Screen. This shows a

map on which the selected user waypoint is central. If the selected user waypoint is empty,
the map will default to the last fix position.

Manual User Waypoint Editing

Screen 9: Manual User Waypoint Edit Screen

Pressing FLIGHT PLAN in Main Menu, followed by USER WPTS and EDIT, accesses this

Screen. On entry to this Screen a cursor appears over the word NAME. The cursor can
be moved up and down between NAME, LAT, LONG and ICON using the joystick. The

joystick is used to move the cursor to the right so that the user waypoint name, latitude,
longitude and icon type can be entered or amended, again by using the joystick.





When the cursor is moved to the right after the last character in a line the cursor will move
to the next line heading. i.e. from the last character in the name, the cursor will go to the

word LAT and similarly from the last digit of the longitude it will go to the word ICON.
If you want to use the selected user waypoint as a marker as described previously,

pressing Key 2, MARKER, will automatically write the word MARKER1.0 into the name
field. You can then move the cursor across using the joystick and alter the distance and fill

in the latitude and longitude. If you want to delete an existing user waypoint, press Key 4.

If you want to delete just the data entry field that the cursor is positioned over, press Key 3,
When the desired alterations have all been made, touching Key 1, SAVE & EXIT, will enter
the revised data and return you to Screen 8, User Waypoint Viewer Screen. Alternatively,

touching Key 5, ABORT, will return you to Screen 8 without modifying the user waypoint
information, cancelling all the changes you have made.

Rev 9 Jul 2006


Skymap/Tracker IIIC Pilot's Guide