BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 40/50 User Manual

Page 89

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MFD Operation

immediately follow ing “DG
MODE”. In addition to selecting
the plan view display mode, the
operator must be using a nav
source which will provide flight
plan information like FMS, GPS,
and LORAN sensors.

If joystick is not available, the
center of the screen will repre-
sent the aircraft present position
when plan view mode is entered,
and the map may not be moved
from this reference. Range could
be changed using the range but-
tons. When a joystick is avail-
able, it will control the flight plan
view relative to the aircraft pre-
sent position. Pressing the “ENT

button wiil reset the display
where the aircraft is displayed in
the center of the display.



(available with 08 and higher)

In the Checklist mode, the Joy-
stick commands will be limited to
four positions: UP, DOWN, LEFT
and RIGHT. The 45° commands
will be ignored.

A down push on the joystick will
advance the cursor checklist line.
A down push at the bottom of a
checklist page will advance the
cursor to the next page if avail-
able. Continuous downward
pushes will wrap the cursor within
a checklist level.

An up push on the joystick will
move the cursor up one checklist
line. An up push at the top of a
checklist page will move the cur-
sor to the previous page if avail-

able. Continuous upward pushes
will wrap the cursor within a
checklist level.
A right push on the joystick will
move the cursor to the top of the
next checklist page. Continuous
right pushes will wrap the cursor
to the top of the next page within
the list.

A left push on the joystick will
move the cursor to the top of the
previous checklist page. Contin-
uous left pushes will wrap the
cursor to the top of the previous
page within the list.





In the map mode the cursor posi-
tion information can be trans-
ferred to the LNAV or KNS 81
that is selected as the primary
navigation sensor, by pressing
the ENTER button while the cur-
sor and its coordinates are dis-
played. The coordinates of the
cursor will remain displayed for at
least 10 seconds and will disap-
pear from the display within 15
seconds after the ENTER button
is pressed.



(available with 07 and higher)

In the Plan View mode the enter
button will be used to reset the
aircraft in the center of the dis-
p l a y .


Issued 8/10

SW 04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12/13/14/15/16


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