BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 40/50 User Manual

Page 180

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MFD Displays

display mode.



TCAS ONLY display will be 360°
format and normally contain the
following elements:

* Small cyan symbolic aircraft

symbol located in the center of
the 360° TCAS ONLY display.

* Two NM range ring consisting

of cyan dots positioned every
30 degrees to represent the 12
clock positions. Presented on
2NM (after software 10), 5 NM
and 10 NM ranges only.

* Full range ring consisting of

cyan radial tick marks pos-
itioned every 30 degrees to
represent the 12 clock pos-
itions plus intervening cyan
dots every 10 degrees.

* Map type half range ring (white

dashes) without range annunc-
iation on 20 NM and 40 NM
r a n g e s .

* “TCAS” annunciation in vertical

field in place of nav source.

* TCAS mode annunciation.
* TCAS range annunciation.
* Up to two no-bearing intruder

m e s s a g e s .

* Above/norm/below annuncia-

t i o n .

* Actual intruder altitude and

(FLXXX) annunciation when
a p p r o p r i a t e .

* TCAS traffic symbols (intruder,

data tag, and vertical speed
a r r o w ) .




Each intruder symbol will be
accompanied by a data tag and,

when appropriate, a vertical
speed arrow. The data tag and
arrow will be the same color as
the intruder symbol that they are
associated with. The intruder
symbol, data tag, and vertical
speed arrow will appear the
same size regardless of range
s e l e c t i o n .

Intruder Symbols

Note: RA traffic is not provided
with TCAS I.

Traffic generating a Resolution
Advisory (RA) will be displayed
as solid red squares. Traffic gen-
erating a Traffic Advisory (TA)
will be displayed as solid yellow
circles. Proximate traffic will be
displayed as solid white dia-
monds. All other, no threat traffic
will be displayed as hollow (out-
line only) white diamonds.
Intruder symbols are centered on
the actual intruder location.

Vertical Speed Arrow

The vertical speed arrow will be
positioned immediately to the
right of the intruder symbol when
the intruder vertical trend is climb
or descend as reported by the
TCAS processor. The arrow will
point up for climbing traffic and
down for descending traffic.

Data Tag

The data tag will normally consist


Issued 8/10

SW 04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12/13/14/15/16

Section 4.4mp 9/9/10 3:48 AM Page 4.4.12

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