BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 40/50 User Manual
Page 137
EADI Displays
The EFS 40/50 provides two
options for displaying roll attitude.
The option selected for a particu-
lar installation is first determined
by certification requirements of the
aircraft, and secondly by pilot pref-
erence. The most common roll
attitude display for four and five
inch instruments is a fixed roll
scale and movable index (sky
pointer). The most common roll
attitude display for three inch
instruments is a moveable roll
scale and fixed index (roll) pointer.
The roll scale provides reference
marks at 10, 20, 30, 45 and 60
degrees. To allow easier recog-
nition of the 30, 60 and 45
degree marks, the 30 and 60
degree marks are longer extend-
ing further into the center of the
display and the 45 degree mark
is displayed in the form of a hol-
low triangle. Refer to Figure
4 . 2 . 4 .
An optional configuration item,
selected at the time of installation
and certification, allows the
nonessential navigation data in
the event an unusual attitude is
encountered. Removal of the
data will occur if pitch angle
exceeds +30 or -20 degrees, or if
bank angle exceeds 65 degrees.
Red chevrons, used to indicate
the best unusual attitude recov-
ery direction (not necessarily
right side up), will appear in the
brown ground raster between 40
and 85 degrees, and in the blue
sky raster between 50 and 85
d e g r e e s .
In the event of a pitch or roll atti-
tude failure, the pitch scale, blue
sky, brown ground and roll index
pointer are removed from the dis-
play. Centered just below the roll
enclosed in a RED box will be
a n n u n c i a t e d .
A filled white or yellow triangular
pointer positioned just below the
roll scale. If the Sky pointer
option has been selected at the
time of installation and certifica-
tion, the roll indicator will be white
and rotate with the pitch scale as
the roll scale is fixed. If the Roll
pointer option is selected at the
time of installation and certifica-
tion, the roll indicator will be yel-
low and fixed in the centered
position as the roll scale rotates.
Sky Pointer Roll Scale
Level Attitude
20˚ Right Roll
Issued 8/10
SW 04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
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