BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 40/50 User Manual
Page 107

EHSI Displays
erence for the vertical deviation
pointer. The deviation pointer
moves in relation to the scale to
indicate glide path center with
respect to aircraft position.
When the selected primary NAV
sensor is an on-side ILS, MLS, or
LNAV in the approach mode, the
vertical deviation pointer is green
in color. If an off-side sensor is
selected for display, the deviation
pointer changes to yellow alerting
the pilot that he has selected
other than his on-side NAV sen-
sor. A cyan ponter is displayed
for VNAV provided by an on-side
LNAV in the enroute mode. Full
scale VNAV deviation represents
±1000 feet when provided by an
LNAV in the enroute mode. Prior
to 08 SW, full scale VNAV devia-
tion represents ±500 feet when
p rovided by an LNAV in the
approach mode, however after
08 SW, this scaling can be con-
figured to be ±1000, ±500, ±250,
or ±200 feet.
If the selected sensor is ILS, a
“GS” will be displayed in the verti-
cal pointer. When MLS is the
selected sensor, this annuncia-
tion will be “GS” for SW 06 and
07, but beginning with SW 08,
either “GS” or “GP” (for Glide
Path) may be annunciated.
When MLS is the selected sen-
sor, the selected glide path angle
is displayed above the glideslope
deviation scale. If VNAV is dis-
played “FT” (feet) or “ANG”
(angle) will be annunciated
above the vertical devi ation
scale. “VN” will be annunciated if
the selected sensor is an LNAV
with VNAV selected. Beginning
with SW 15, during a GPS
approach the vertical scale will
display the vertical annunciator
as “GP”.
Additional configuration options
selectable at the time of installa-
tion and certification:
Declutter GS on Back Course,
allows the vertical deviation scale to
be in view at all times or only when
the selected course is within 105
degrees of the aircraft heading.
Vertical Scale Side, allows the
vertical deviation scale to be dis-
played on either the:
Right or
Left side of the EADI and
EHSI display.
A pproach
S c a l i n g, a configuration option
added by software 08, allows the
following values for a full scale
VNAV approach deviation.
1000 feet
500 feet
250 feet
200 feet
Vertical Pointer Type, incorpo-
rated in software 06, allows the
vertical pointer to be displayed as
one of three options
Issued 8/10
SW 04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
Section 4.1mp 9/9/10 1:45 AM Page 4.1.12