BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 40/50 User Manual
Page 122
EHSI Displays
Note: The following will address
only those areas of the EFS
40/50 Homing mode which are
different from the standard
EHSI presentations.
A green bar, the length of a stan-
dard EHSI D-Bar, represents fly
left, fly right commands as refer-
enced to the symbolic aircraft.
If the Homing sensor information
becomes invalid or failed the
deviation bar and scale will be
removed and a RED X will be
displayed in the center of the
c o m p a s s .
If the installed Homing sensor
provides a sensitivity output, a
stationary white vertical sensitivi-
ty scale will appear on the right or
left side of the EHSI display as
configured at the time of installa-
tion and certification. This scale
provides a reference for the sen-
sitivity pointer, which moves in
relation to the scale to indicate
signal strength being received by
the Homing sensor.
The sensitivity pointer will have
“SN” displayed inside it to advise
the pilot of the type of data he is
m o n i t o r i n g .
When the on-side sensor is
selected for display the sensitivity
pointer is green in color. When
the off-side sensor is selected for
display the sensitivity pointer
changes to yellow alerting the
pilot he has select other than his
on-side NAV sensor.
If invalid or failed sensitivity data
is received, the sensitivity devia-
tion pointer and scale are
r e m o v e d .
N o t e : The scale and pointer
used to dis play sens it iv ity
information is the same as that
used for Glideslope and Verti -
cal Navigation.
Issued 8/10
SW 04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
Section 4.1mp 9/9/10 1:45 AM Page 4.1.27