BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 40/50 User Manual
Page 102

EHSI Displays
ground speed. In most cases,
the DME will be the limiting factor
in displayable data.
When DME HOLD is selected,
the distance displayed is white in
color. “H” follows GS/TTS field
(GS field after software 08) in the
upper right corner. During HOLD
the displayed distance probably
will not be associated with the
selected bearing pointer. For
more information on DME HOLD,
refer to the DME HOLD section
which follows.
The bearing sensor selection
function offers an optional DME-
only display feature in the cycle.
If the DME-only option was
selected at the time of installation
and certification, DME #1 and #2
information may be independent-
ly selected for display in the bear-
ing pointer information area with-
out displaying a bearing pointer.
To annunciate operational Dis-
tance Measuring Equipment
(including those associated with
an RNAV or LNAV) which has
not acquired lock on to the
selected station, dashes of the
same color as the sensor annun-
ciator will be placed in the dis-
tance data field. If the equipment
has failed or information is not
being received by the EFS
40/50, the dashes will be Red. In
both cases the NM annunciation
will remain and the KT/TTS will
be removed if normally dis-
p l a y e d .
Software 07 incorporated the
capability to interface with a vari-
ety of multi channel DME,
VOR/ILS and MLS installations,
and perform automatic reversion
in the event of a failed DME sen-
sor in certain installations.
For those installations supporting
the automatic reversionary mode,
the system can experience a
DME failure without the pilot or
copilot loosing the normal dis-
tance presentation. For exam-
ple, if the number one DME,
whose primary job is servicing
the number one VOR/ILS, failed,
the symbol generator would look
to DME number two for VOR/ILS
DME number one distance infor-
mation. If the information was
present, a yellow boxed DME 2
would be displayed in the upper
right hand corner of the number
one EHSI and MFD. This alerts
the pilot he is now getting dis-
tance information from the copi-
s DME. A green boxed DME
2 is placed in the same location
on the number 2 EHSI alerting
the copilot the pilot is getting dis-
tance information from his DME.
These boxed DME annunciations
use the same display field as the
Time-to-station (or Time-to-way-
point) after software 08. The
abnormal DME annunciation has
priority over TTS/TTW.
Note: The variety of the various
DME installations is numerous,
and therefore may be neces -
sary to refer to the aircraft
flight manual supplement for
specific operation of a given
Issued 8/10
SW 04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
Section 4.1mp 9/9/10 1:45 AM Page 4.1.7