BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 40/50 User Manual
Page 145

EADI Displays
ure 4.2.3 and 4.2.4.
Software version 07 and higher
will display the expanded localiz-
er/MLS/GPS scale as three dots.
Warning, some conven -
tional ADI expanded ILS and
MLS displays represent 1/4 of
the full scale displayed by the
HSI. The EFS 40/50 provides
1/2 the EHSI displayed devia -
tion to provide better pilot inter -
Three configuration options are
selectable at the time of installa-
tion and certification for display of
the rising runway symbol.
The first option provides full
time display of the rising runway
only when in the precision
approach mode. The symbolic
rising runway will be displayed in
the lower center of the display
just above the LOC/MLS/GPS
approach expanded lateral devia-
tion scale. The center line of the
symbolic rising runway repre-
sents ILS, MLS or GPS approach
fly to command. If the radio
altimeter provides height above
the ground information to the
E F S 40/50, the rising runway
symbol will start increasing in
size at 200 feet and will continue
to increase in size to 0 feet.
When the on-side ILS, MLS or
GPS approach is selected as the
primary NAV sensor, the rising
runway will be green in color. If
the off-side sensor is selected,
the runway will change to yellow,
alerting the pilot that he has
selected off-side information.
A second configuration option
provides for the display of a tradi-
tional deviation bar in place of the
rising runway. The deviation bar
will overlay the lateral deviation
scale. It will not be positioned
just above the deviation scale as
the rising runway is.
A third configuration option
allows the display of the rising
runway unless one of the follow-
ing conditions exists, in which
case the deviation bar will be dis-
p l a y e d .
• No radio altimeter
• Radio altimeter is not being
displayed, above 2,500 feet or
not providing computed data
• Radio altimeter is below
minimum altitude, white dashes
d i s p l a y e d
• Radio altimeter is flagged,
RED dashes displayed.
In the event the lateral deviation
information becomes invalid or
failed, the rising runway or D b a r
and lateral deviation scale are
removed, the lateral deviation
scale is replaced with a RED “X.”
Beginning with software 09, the
deviation bar and scale are
decluttered when lateral devia-
tion information is provided in
ARINC 429 format with a status
of No Computed Data (NCD).
The red “X” is still displayed for
invalid or missing data.
Issued 8/10
SW 04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
Section 4.2mp 10/13/10 2:54 AM Page 4.2.10