Welch Allyn Image Capture System - User Manual User Manual
Page 12

system requirements, the software will not work reliably and you will experience problems such
as no video image.
Load the Welch Allyn Image Capture System CD into the computer. The CD’s autoplay
feature will automatically launch the installation program. If the installation program does
NOT start, perform the following steps to manually invoke it.
a. From the task bar, click "Start" then click the "Run" option.
b. Using the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive, assuming it is D:, type "D:\Setup.exe" and
click the "OK" button. This will launch the Image Capture System installation program.
c. To perform the installation, click the "OK" button.
d. The "Please wait..." dialog appears. This step of the procedure will take a few
minutes. If the .NET Framework (1.1) is not installed, then it is installed at this time
and will take several minutes for the process to complete.
e. At the "Welcome" screen, click the "Next" button. At the "License Agreement" screen,
click "I Agree" then click the "Next" button.
At the "Select Installation Folder" screen accept the default location. Change the
installation folder only if necessary.
g. Click the "Everyone" option to make the Image Capture System available to all
Windows accounts. Click the "Just me" option to make the Image Capture System
available to the currently logged in Windows account. Click the "Next" button to
h. At the "Confirm Installation" screen, click the "Next" button then click the "Close"
At the "Setup succeeded" prompt click the "OK" button.
2. Read and accept the User Agreement. The computer will install the software
and create the directories necessary to file your images. The Welch Allyn
Image Capture System icon will appear on your desktop.
3. Go to the System Administrator section of the Welch Allyn Image Capture
System review the “Setting Up the Welch Allyn Image Capture System" on
page 10 to setup passwords, hardware configurations, image settings and
print settings.
Microsoft provides the SETUP.EXE and SETTINGS.INI files in the root of the
installation CD to automate the installation of the .NET Framework when using a .NET
Deployment Project (Windows Installer MSI).
The Image Capture System help file was developed for use with Microsoft HTML Help 1.x. It is
compiled in HTML format with the standard .chm file extension. HTML Help is a component of
Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 4.0 or later is required to view the Image Capture System
help file; Windows 2000 shipped with Internet Explorer 5.01 and Windows XP shipped with
Internet Explorer 6.0.