K searching for data inside a program – Casio SERIES FX-9860G User Manual

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Editing Program Contents

k Searching for Data Inside a Program


To search for the letter “A” inside the program named OCTA

1. Recall the program.

2. Press

3(SRC) and input the data you want to fi nd.


3. Press

w to begin the search. The contents of the program appear on the screen with

the cursor located at the fi rst instance of the data you specifi ed.*


4. Each press of

w or 1(SRC) causes the cursor to jump to the next instance of the

data you specifi ed.*




The message “Not Found” appears when the

search data you specify cannot be found in
the program.



If there are no more instances of the data you

specifi ed, the search operation ends.

# You cannot specify the newline symbol (

_) or

display command (

^) for the search data.

# Once the contents of the program are on the

screen, you can use the cursor keys to move
the cursor to another location before searching
for the next instance of the data. Only the part
of the program starting from the current cursor
location is searched when you press


# Once the search fi nds an instance of your

data, inputting characters or moving the cursor
causes the search operation to be cancelled.

# If you make a mistake while inputting characters

to search for, press

A to clear your input and

re-input from the beginning.