2 edp command calibration, 3 revolution® calibration, 3 revolution – Rice Lake Counterpart Configurable Counting Indicator - User Manual - Version 1.0 User Manual
Page 46: Calibration

Counterpart User Manual
Five-point linearization - COMING SOON
EDP Command Calibration
To calibrate the indicator using EDP commands, the
indicator EDP port must be connected to a terminal or
personal computer. See Section 2.7.1 on page 8 for
EDP port pin assignments.
Once the indicator is connected to the sending device,
do the following:
1. Place the indicator in config mode (display
must read
- see
a n d r e m o v e a l l w e i g h t f r o m t h e s c a l e
platform. If your test weights require hooks or
chains, place the hooks or chains on the scale
for zero calibration.
2. Send the SC.WZERO#n command to
c a l i b r a t e z e r o . T h e i n d i c a t o r d i s p l a y s
while calibration is in progress.
3. Place test weights on the scale and use the
SC.WVAL#n command to enter the test
weight value in the following format:
4. Send the SC.WSPAN#n command to calibrate
span. The indicator displays
while calibration is in progress.
5. Up to five linearization points can be
c a l i b r a t e d b e t w e e n t h e z e r o a n d s p a n
c a l i b r a t i o n v a l u e s . U s e t h e f o l l o w i n g
commands to set and calibrate a single
linearization point:
The SC.WLIN.V1#n command sets the test
weight value (nnnnn) for linearization point 1.
The SC.WLIN.C1#n command calibrates the
point. Repeat using the SC.WLIN.Vx and
SC.WLIN.Cx commands as required for
additional linearization points.
6. To remove an offset value, clear all weight
from the scale, including hooks or chains used
t o h a n g t e s t w e i g h t s , t h e n s e n d t h e
SC.REZERO#n command. The indicator
while the zero and span
calibrations are adjusted.
7. Send the SC.KUPARROW#n or
SC.KEXIT#n EDP command to return to
normal mode.
To calibrate the indicator using Revolution, the
indicator EDP port must be connected to a PC running
the Revolution configuration utility.
1. Place the indicator in config mode (display
, see
remove all weight from the scale platform.
2. From Revolution, select
The Select Indicator dialog box appears.
3. Select
and click
4. From the Communications menu, select
5. From the left pane, expand the Scale selection
and click the
Figure 4-2. Scale Button
6. From the Tools menu, select
Calibration Wizard
7. Click
to begin the Calibration Wizard.
8. Select whether you want to perform a
standard calibration or a standard with
multi-point linearization and click
9. In the text box, enter the test weight value be
used for span calibration.
10. Select the checkbox if you are using chains or
hooks during the calibration, then click
11. Remove all weight from the scale and click
Click to Calibrate Zero
to begin zero calibration.
If your test weights require hooks or chains,
place them on the scale for zero calibration.
12. When zero calibration is complete, the
Calibration Wizard prompts you to place test
weights on the scale. Place the test weights on
the scale, then click
Click to Calibrate Span
13. If you chose to perform linear calibration, the
Calibration Wizard now displays prompts
(1–5). Enter the weight value for Linear Point
#1, place test weights on scale and click
Repeat for additional linearization points,
then click
14. The new and old calibration settings are
displayed. To accept the new values, click
. To exit and restore the old values, click