2 ipg strip rehydration and sample application, 1 ipg strip rehydration in the rehydration, Equilibration tray followed by ief – Bio-Rad PROTEAN® i12™ IEF System User Manual

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Chapter 2 Basic Operation

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PROTEAN i12 IEF System Instruction Manual

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2.2.1 IPG Strip Rehydration in the Rehydration/Equilibration Tray Followed by IEF



2.2 IPG Strip Rehydration and Sample Application

The choice of rehydration and sample loading method (in-gel sample loading or cup loading) and IPG strip
configuration (gel-side down or gel-side up) dictates the workflow for the run. The first step is to rehydrate
the IPG strips in rehydration solution, with or without sample (Table 2.1).

IPG strips can be rehydrated in either the i12 rehydration/equilibration trays or the i12 focusing tray:

For rehydration in rehydration/equilibration trays, see Section 2.2.1

For rehydration in the focusing tray, see Section 2.2.2. Rehydration in the focusing tray with in-gel sample
application can be programmed as part of the IEF run

See Appendix B, Sample Loading Methods and Running Configurations, for guidelines for
selecting the sample loading method and IPG strip configuration.

Table 2.1. Rehydration volumes, sample loads, and mineral oil volumes. The values listed are recommendations. Optimum
sample load depends on sample type. See Appendix A, Reagent and Sample Preparation, for more details.

IPG Strip Length

7 cm

11 cm

17 cm

18 cm

24 cm

Rehydration Solution

125 μl

200 μl

300 μl

315 μl

450 μl

Protein Load
Coomassie (Brilliant) Blue

50–100 µg

100–200 µg

200–400 µg

200–400 µg

400–800 µg

Fluorescent stains

5–100 µg

20–200 µg

50–400 µg

50–400 µg

80–800 µg

Silver stains

5–20 µg

20–50 µg

50–80 µg

50–80 µg

80–150 µg

Mineral Oil

4 ml

5 ml

7 ml

7 ml

9 ml

For the rehydration step:
1. Pipet the rehydration solution (with or without sample, see Table 2.1 for volumes and protein loads) along

the center of the channel(s) of the i12 rehydration/equilibration tray. Take care to not introduce air bubbles
when expelling the solution.

2. Using forceps, remove the cover sheet from the IPG strip, then gently place the IPG strip gel-side down

onto the solution in the channel. Move the IPG strip back and forth slightly to ensure that the solution is
distributed along the length of the IPG strips. Take care to not trap air bubbles beneath the IPG strip.