Metrohm 915 KF Ti-Touch User Manual

Page 57

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7 System settings

915 KF Ti-Touch



Minimum password length

Minimum number of characters of the passwords.

Input range

1 - 10

Default value


No. of entry attempts

If the user has logged in incorrectly this many times, then it will automati-
cally be deactivated. It can only be reactivated by a user with administra-
tor rights.

Input range

2 - 5



Default value


Special characters required

on | off (Default value: off)

If this option is activated, then the password must contain one of the fol-
lowing special characters: ° § + ¦ @ * # ç % & ¬ ( ) = ' ^ ` ~ ] [ } { - _ : . ; , >
< £ !

Password expires

on | off (Default value: off)

If this option is activated, then the user must define a new password after
the time specified. A password that has already been used cannot be used

Input range

1 - 999 days

Default value

365 days