4 defining rs-232 commands (control rs), Defining rs-232 commands (control rs) – Metrohm 915 KF Ti-Touch User Manual

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28.7 Communication




915 KF Ti-Touch


Display message | Document message | Cancel

Default value

Display message
For all three options it is documented in the deter-
mination data (see dialog More determination
data / Messages
), that the time interval has been

Display message
A message is displayed. You can select whether you want to continue
with the determination or cancel the run.
Document message
In the determination data it will be documented, that the time interval
has been expired.
Cancel determination
The determination is stopped.


Defining RS-232 commands (CONTROL RS)

The command CONTROL RS can be used to define the RS-232 com-
mands which are sent.

Serial port

Selection of the serial interface the peripheral device is connected to. The
RS-232 command defined is sent via this interface.


COM1 | COM2 | COM3 | COM4 | COM5 |
COM6 | COM7 | COM8

Default value


Character string

Input of the RS-232 command as character string. All characters of the
ASCII code page can be used. Control characters (Esc, FF etc.) have to be
entered as a three-place, decimal ASCII code, starting with a slash. Each
command is automatically terminated with the ASCII characters CR and


ASCII string with a max. of 24 characters

Default value
