Metrohm 848 Titrino plus User Manual
Page 96

7.2 Monotonic equivalence point titrations (MET)
848 Titrino plus
A constant measured value is often only achieved after a certain time,
as mixing and the reaction itself require a certain time. The response
time of an electrode can also increase with time, i.e. reaching a con-
stant measured value takes longer and longer. Drift-controlled meas-
ured value acceptance is particularly advisable in such cases, as the
measured values are only accepted when equilibrium has almost been
Measuring mode pH, U and Ipol:
Input range
0.1 - 999.0 mV/min
Default value
50.0 mV/min
Measured value acceptance will take place after the maximum waiting
time has elapsed. This can be useful when the titration reaction pro-
ceeds slowly or the electrode is slow to respond.
Measuring mode Upol:
Input range
0.01 - 99.90 µA/min
Default value
50.00 µA/min
Measured value acceptance will take place after the maximum waiting
time has elapsed. This can be useful when the titration reaction pro-
ceeds slowly or the electrode is slow to respond.
Min. waiting time
This parameter is visible only when Titration rate = user.
The measured value is not accepted until the minimum waiting time has
elapsed, even if the signal drift has already been reached. The minimum
waiting time is only important for drift-controlled measurements.
Input range
0 - 999999 s
Default value
0 s
Max. waiting time
This parameter is visible only when Titration rate = user.
If signal drift has been switched off or has not yet been reached, then the
measured value will be accepted when the maximum waiting time has