Example messages, Display options, Example messages -3 – Rockwell Automation 2706-LV2S_LV4S DL40 PLUS SLAVE USER MANUAL User Manual
Page 34: Display options -3, Ctrl][f] -3, Ctrl][r] -3

Publication 2706-6.3
Dataliner (DL) Slave Mode
Example Messages
For example, a print statement for a Catalog No. 1771-DB Basic
module with a DL40 Plus Slave display would be:
The message VALVE NUMBER 1 OPEN would be displayed on line
one of slave number one. Note that to send the message fields, the
print CHR (decimal character equivalent) function is used.
To send the same message from any PC terminal program, use:
Where ^A is the [Ctrl] and [A] keys pressed at the same time.
Display Options
Use the following control codes in the message text for flash and reset
functions. Any other control codes are ignored.
This is the flash code. Send this code when you want the display
characters to flash. All characters following the first flash code in a
message flash. If two [Ctrl][F] codes appear in a message, only the
characters between the codes flash.
You can turn flash on and off multiple times in a message. At the start
of each new line of message text, the flash option is turned off. The
[Ctrl][F] character is not included in the 20 character limit of the
display protocol.
This is the reset command. When a [Ctrl][R] is received by the DL40
Plus Slave, all data for the current line is discarded. For example, if
10 characters are received by the DL40 Plus Slave and then a
[Ctrl][R] is sent, the 10 characters are discarded. After using the reset
command, you can start a new message. [Ctrl][R] resets the flash
status to non-flashing.
100 PRINT #
, CHR(1), CHR(1), CHR(13)
Slave 1
Line 1
Valve Number 1 OPEN^A^A^M
Message Text
Slave #1
Line #1