Setting the communication rate, Response time, 3ć11 – Rockwell Automation 1771-PM , D17716.5.18 U MNL 1771-PM CLUTCH/BRAKE MOD User Manual

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Clutch/Brake Controller Hardware

Chapter 3


For example, if you choose rack address 2 for chassis A, you must choose
rack address 1 or 3 for chassis B.

Set the rack address in each clutch/brake module. Place a label on each
clutch/brake module to identify in which chassis, A or B, it belongs.

Important: Chassis A and B rack addresses must be unique. No I/O
chassis can have the same rack address as either chassis A or B. This
restriction prohibits using the rack address of either chassis A or B for any
complementary I/O chassis (a chassis with the same module addresses but
having input modules where chassis A and B have output modules, and
output modules where chassis A and B have input modules). This
restriction also prohibits using the rack address of either chassis A or B
for any partial remote I/O chassis (a chassis that starts with module group
2, 4, or 6). (Refer to chapter 4, Module Group 7, PLC Command Rungs,
for reasons why you must restrict the use of this address.)

Triacs of your clutch/brake controller turn on in sequential order. Triacs
connected to the high AC power line (L1) turn on before those in the
triac-solenoid string connected to the low AC power line (L2). If the
addresses are reversed, the triacs will turn on out of sequence, and the
clutch/brake controller will not operate.

Set switch 1 on switch assembly SW-2 to the ON position. This sets the
module’s communication rate at 57.6K baud. Be sure that you set the
communication rate of both 1771-PM modules and the processor’s
scanner to 57.6K baud, as well.

The worst case time required for the clutch/brake controller to respond to
a change of input depends on Module-response and triac-switching times:




1771ĆIA module

response time


1771ĆPM module

response time


Triac switching time


Total response time


Setting the Communication Rate

Response Time