Rockwell Automation 1794-ID2 U.MNL INCREMENTAL ENCODER User Manual
Page 57

How Communication Takes Place and I/O Image Table Mapping with the DeviceNet Adapter
Publication 1794ĆUM015B-EN-P - May 2001
Bit/Word Definitions
for the incremental encoder Module (1794-ID2)
Word 1
Bit 00
Status for input A (pulse transmitter 0) - This bit, when set, indicates a signal at A.
Word 1
Bit 01
Status for input B (pulse transmitter 0) - This bit, when set, indicates a signal at B.
Bit 02
Status for input Z (pulse transmitter 0) - This bit, when set, indicates a signal at Z.
Bit 03
Status for input G (pulse transmitter 0) -This bit, when set, indicates a signal at G.
Bit 04
Status for input A (pulse transmitter 1) - This bit, when set, indicates a signal at A.
Bit 05
Status for input B (pulse transmitter 1) - This bit, when set, indicates a signal at B.
Bit 06
Status for input Z (pulse transmitter 1) - This bit, when set, indicates a signal at Z.
Bit 07
Status for input G (pulse transmitter 1) - This bit, when set, indicates a signal at G.
Bit 08 (10)
Cal 0 - This bit, when set (1), indicates that counter 0 has been calibrated. This bit is reset by CalReset.
Bit 09 (11)
Cal 1 - This bit, when set (1), indicates that counter 1 has been calibrated. This bit is reset by CalReset.
Bit 10 (12)
Store 0 - This bit, when set (1), indicates a counter value is saved in store 0. This bit is reset by StoreReset.
Bit 11 (13)
Store 1 - This bit, when set (1), indicates a counter value is saved in store 1. This bit is reset by StoreReset.
Bit 12 (14)
Preset Reached 0 (PR0) - When this bit is set (1), in all configuration modes, the counter 0 value equals the
preset 0 value, either in a positive or negative direction. This bit is reset by PresetReset0 and can only be set
again after at least 1 more pulse.
Bit 13 (15)
Preset Reached 1 (PR1) - When this bit is set (1), in all configuration modes, the counter 1 value equals the
preset 1 value, either in a positive or negative direction. This bit is reset by PresetReset1 and can only be set
again after at least 1 more pulse.
Bit 14-15
Not used - set to 0
Word 2
Bits 00-15
Store 0 - Saved counter value on channel 0
Word 3
Bits 00-15
Store 1 - Saved counter value on channel 1
Word 4
Bits 00-15
Channel 0 Current Counter Value- Current value in counter 0
Word 5
Bits 00-15
Channel 1 Current Counter Value- Current value in counter 1
Word 6
Bits 00-15
Counter 0 Readback - Counter word readback - last value written to write word 1
Word 7
Bits 00-15
Counter 1 Readback - Counter word readback - last value written to write word 2
Word 8
Bits 00-15
Revision Read - identification of latest software version code