I/o module removal from an unscanned slot -10, I/o module removal from an unscanned slot – Rockwell Automation 1747-ASB Remote I/O Adapter User Manual

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Publication 1747-UM006B-EN-P - June 2003

6-10 Start-Up and Operation

Any discrete I/O module or discretely mapped specialty I/O module
which is mapped into the 1747-ASB module image having only output
image, is scanned by the 1747-ASB module unless:

The 1747-ASB module is not receiving communications from the

The 1747-ASB module is receiving reset, adapter decide
commands and the discrete outputs are being held in their last

Any block transfer mapped specialty I/O module which is mapped
into the 1747-ASB image having only output image, is scanned by the
1747-ASB module only when a block transfer write to the I/O module

I/O Module Removal from an Unscanned Slot

When an I/O module is removed from a slot not being scanned by the
1747-ASB module, a 1747-ASB error does not occur and all discrete
outputs under its control are not affected.

Any I/O module not mapped into the 1747-ASB module image is
never scanned by the 1747-ASB module.

Any block transfer mapped specialty I/O module which is mapped
into the 1747-ASB image having only output image, is scanned by the
1747-ASB module only when a block transfer write occurs.