Rockwell Automation 1395 DC Drive, 800-1250 Hp, FRN 5.XX-9.30 User Manual
Page 152

Chapter 5
Programming Parameters
Parameter 713 – Process Trim Filter Constant [Proc Trim Fltr K]
Internal units : 4096 = 1000h = 100% process trim filtering
Programming Terminal units: percent of maximum process trim
Minimum Value:
Maximum Value:
Default Value:
This parameter determines the gain of a single pole filter
used in the Process Trim. The input to the filter is the difference
between the Process Trim Reference parameter (161) and the Process
Trim Feedback parameter (162). The output of the filter is used as
the input to the process trim PI regulator.
100% Process Trim Filtering provides the maximum filtering effect.
When 0% is used for the Process Trim Filter constant, the filter will
be disabled.
Parameter 714 – Process Trim Preload [Proc Trim Preload]
Internal units : 4096 = 1000h = 100% Process Trim Preload
Programming Terminal units: None
Minimum Value: –32767
Maximum Value: 32767
Default Value: 0
Description: This parameter is used to preset the integral term of the
Process Trim regulator.
Parameter 715 – Process Trim KI Gain [Proc Trim KI]
Internal units : gain/3277
Programming Terminal units: None
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 32767
Default Value: 1638
Description: This parameter controls the integral gain of the Process
Trim regulator. If KI Process Trim equals 3277, the 1 pu Process
Trim PI regulator output will equal 1 pu in 1 second, for 1 pu Process
Trim error.
Parameter 716 – Process Trim KP [Proc Trim KP]
Internal units : gain/4096
Programming Terminal units: None
Minimum Value: –32767
Maximum Value: +32767
Default Value: +4096
Description: This parameter controls the integral gain of the Process
Trim regulator. If KP Process Trim is equal to 4096, then 1 pu
Process Trim PI regulator output will equal 1 pu for 1 pu Process
Trim error.