Rockwell Automation 1395 DC Drive, 800-1250 Hp, FRN 5.XX-9.30 User Manual
Page 141

Chapter 5
Programming Parameters
Parameter 672 – KI Flux [KI Flux]
Internal units : gain / 3277
Programming Terminal units: None
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 32767
Default Value: 1638
Description: This parameter controls the integral gain of the CEMF
Regulator. For example; If KI flux is equal to 32767, then 1 pu
error will produce 1 pu flux command in 1 second.
The CEMF Regulator is a classical PI regulator that is activated by
setting an enable bit in Flux Mode Select (Parm 627). It is used to
trim the flux command based on the difference between CEMF
Reference (Parm 160) and CEMF Feedback. Trim is limited to a
minimum value of 10% of flux command.
Parameter 673 – KP Flux [KP Flux]
Internal units : None
Programming Terminal units: None
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 32767
Default Value: 4096
Description: This parameter controls the proportional gain of the
CEMF Regulator. For example; If KP flux is equal to 32767, then 1
PU CEMF error will produce 1 pu flux command.
Parameter 674 – Field Economy Reference [Fld Economy Ref]
Internal units : 4096 = 1000h = 100% full motor flux.
Programming Terminal units: percent of full motor field flux.
Minimum Value: 0%
Maximum Value: 100%
Default Value: 50%
Description: This parameter specifies the full flux reference value for
the motor when field economy has been enabled in Flux Mode Select
(Parm 627). The flux specified by this parameter will be in use when
the motor has been stopped for the time specified in Field Economy
Delay (Parm 675).
Parameter 675 – Field Economy Delay [Fld Economy Dly]
Internal units : seconds x 10
Programming Terminal units: Seconds
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 6553.5
Default Value: 30.0
Description: This parameter specifies the time delay, in seconds, after
the motor stops before selection of field economy flux reference.
This parameter is applicable only when field economy has been
enabled by setting a bit in the Flux Mode Select (Parm 627).