Tvoc analysis, Tvoc method – INFICON Explorer Portable Gas Chromatograph User Manual

Page 78

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Explorer Operator Manual


TVOC Analysis

You can use the TVOC mode to screen a sample for total volatile organic
compounds. If a preset alarm is exceeded you can then use the GC to determine
which compounds are present. A TVOC sample may be injected by syringe or you
may use loop injection. The injection is directed to Column V. Column V is a blank
column. The sample passes through the column, without separating, and into the

NOTE: A TVOC analysis is sent through the PID only. You cannot obtain a TVOC run

through the ECD.

TVOC Method

You configure

Explorer for a TVOC run in the same manner as you would for a

GC run. The methods you receive on the assays disk will not normally contain a
method for TVOC operation. You can use the same settings as the GC or you can
configure the TVOC for the shortest possible analysis time.

1. Press Enter Menu, then DISPLAY, VOC and REPORT (or GRAPH).

2. Check the status line to ensure you are set up for the correct type of injection.

A status of LP indicates a loop injection. PRB indicates a loop injection using
the long or extended probe. If SYR are shown on that status line,

Explorer is

expecting a syringe injection. Refer to Selecting the Injection Method on page
78 or 81 if you need to change it.

3. Press Enter Menu, then SETUP, CONFIG, METHOD, TIMING and PUMP.

4. Enter a pump time and press Enter Menu.

5. Press INJECT and enter the injection time.