INFICON Explorer Portable Gas Chromatograph User Manual
Page 125
Explorer Operator Manual
The lamp indicates the PID is in use.
If an ECD is installed it will be displayed beside the lamp.
Double-click on the lamp or the ECD to open a pop-up menu. You can also
click on the right mouse button to open the same pop-up menu. You can turn
the PID or the ECD on or off from this pop-up menu. Turn the detector off if
you are not running chromatograms.
NOTE: Turning the detector off does not turn the instrument off.
The PID parameters are listed in the table below the lamp.
If the ECD is selected for operation, parameters specific to the ECD will be
displayed in a second column.
The state of the detector, You can turn the lamp on or off.
Signal (mV)
The current detector signal level.
Offset (mV)
The voltage applied to keep the baseline at 10% of
fullscale. The applied offset is an indication of column
contamination. If the offset is greater than 800 mV the
column should be allowed to flush until the offset stabilizes
at a value between 200 and 800 mV.
Temp. ( C)
The operating temperature of the photoionization detector.
Target (%)
The intensity to which
Explorer attempts to tune its
UV lamp.
Tune (%)
The percentage of the intensity (of a reference lamp)
to which the
Explorer tries to tune the UV lamp.
Tune (V)
The tuning voltage supplied to the lamp control circuitry.