INFICON Explorer Portable Gas Chromatograph User Manual
Page 186
Method Development
Reference Library
There are two options on this tab. Enter the default window percent to be used when
compounds are added to the library. This is the retention time window that SiteChart
will use in an attempt to match the peak with existing reference library compounds.
For example, if the window is set at 50%, and you try to add a peak with a retention
time of 100 seconds, SiteChart will list compounds with retention times from 50
seconds to 150 seconds as possible matches. Only compounds that have not already
been identified will be listed. Compounds within the retention time window will be
listed in the Add dialog box that opens when you double-click on an unknown peak.
See Adding Compounds to the Library on page
The second option on this tab allows you to copy the current library to the reference
library. You can use this feature to create your own assays.
To create your own reference library:
1. Create a library by storing compounds as outlined in Adding Compounds to the
Library on page
You can also use the existing library and update the compound information as
described in Updating Library Information on page
2. Perform a few runs and ensure your library information is correct.
3. Open the View menu and select
4. Select the Reference Library tab.