Obtaining an ecd wipe test sample – INFICON Explorer Portable Gas Chromatograph User Manual
Page 253
Explorer Operator Manual
3. Press Enter Menu and Exit and enter the password as 12344321 and press
Enter Menu.
You are now in supervisor mode.
NOTE: If the instrument is in user mode, you will not be able to increase the temperature
and pressure.
4. Increase the flow through the columns by pressing SETUP, CONFIG,
METHOD, and PRESS and set the pressure to the maximum of 14 psi.
5. Increase the temperature to 80 C by pressing Enter Menu, then SETUP,
CONFIG, METHOD, TEMP, and ECD and using the arrow keys to enter the
new ECD temperature, then press Enter Menu.
6. Ensure the internal carrier gas tank is full or connect the instrument to an
external tank of carrier gas.
You must use nitrogen carrier gas for the ECD
7. Allow the ECD to purge for at least 8 hours.
8. Change the view from the PID to the ECD by pressing DISPLAY, GC, and
DET, and when prompted to change views to the ECD, press Enter Menu.
9. Monitor the offset level as displayed on the status screen and wait until it has
stabilized before attempting to use the instrument.
An instrument that is cleaning out will show an unstable and dropping baseline.
Typical offset is in the range 200-800 mV and anything over 800 mV indicates
Obtaining an ECD Wipe Test Sample
NOTE: You must obtain a wipe test kit from an authorized laboratory or consulting firm,
see Wipe Test Agencies on page
367 for a list of agencies in the U.S. In Canada
you must use an agency, unless you have been authorized by the AECB to perform
wipe tests, contact the AECB for more information, see page
366. When ordering
a wipe test or a wipe test kit, specify that the sensitivity of the wipe test be 0.0001
microcurie. Ni
is a beta emitter.