3 defining a temporary escape character, 4 defining a permanent escape character, Defining a temporary escape character – Dascom TallyCom III Installation & Operators Guide User Manual

Page 11: Defining a permanent escape character

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The cost of having an escape character defined is that you will not be able to print this character.
However, you do not need to have an escape character defined all the time. When it has served its
purpose, it can be removed.

All functions have immediate effect unless otherwise specified in the actual function description.

4.3 Defining a Temporary Escape Character

No escape character is defined when you receive the Printserver from the factory. This means that
you will be able to print the entire character set, but you will not be able use the escape feature as is.

Below is an example of how "%" is defined as the escape character. The five characters shown
should be sent to the Printserver from the host system. The escape character is defined temporarily
when this string is received and will therefore be stored in the temporary memory only. For
information on how to store the escape character permanently, see 4.4, Defining a Permanent
Escape Character.


Define "%" as the escape character

The temporary escape character may be removed again by defining it as "space", as shown here:


Remove the temporary escape character

4.4 Defining a Permanent Escape Character

If you want to save a permanent escape character, you will have to define it in Function 48,
Permanent Escape Character Selection, (see Appendix A, FSL Functions) and then immediately save
it in the permanent memory with the command "ESC X1", as described in the section on Commands
for Storing and Restoring Settings.

Note: If the character used in Function 48 is different from the one specified as the temporary escape
character, the latest specified character will take precedence immediately.

The value selected for the permanent escape character in Function 48, Permanent Escape Character
Selection, must be a HEX value found in the LU3 character table for Coax or in the EBCDIC table for
Twinax .

The permanent escape character may be removed again by defining it to "00" in Function 48. To
effectuate the removal of the permanent escape character the new setup will have to be saved in the
permanent memory using the command "%X1". Otherwise the permanent escape character will still
be in effect the next time the printer is turned on.

The "%X1" command requires the definition of a temporary escape character (which may very well be
the same character as the one, you have just removed). Below is shown the entire programming
sequence ("%" is the defined escape character).


removes "%" as permanent escape character for the time being


defines "%" as the temporary escape character


no permanent escape character exists anymore

Removing the permanent escape character