Table of parameters 3.2, Babycall“ – automatic call – 2N Analogue UMTS gateway 2N SmartGate UMTS - Manual, 1699 v1.1.0 User Manual

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Table of Parameters



Setting options:

25 / 50 Hz-2N® SmartGate UMTS rings with 50 or 25

Hz on FXS interface

Default setting:

50 Hz

Ringing signal - cadence

Function No.: 141

Ringing signal cadency setting.

Setting options:

1000/4000 ms (0) - 1 s ring, 4 s pause

400/200/400/2000 ms (1)- 400ms ring, 200ms pause,

400ms ring, 2s pause

1500/3500 ms (2) - 1,5 s ring, 3,5 s pause

2000/4000 ms (3) - 2 s ring, 4 s pause

Default setting:

1000/4000 ms

CLI transmitting

Function No.: 148

Set this item to enable/disable identification of a telephone line calling from a

UMTS/GSM network. The function can be enabled if you have a device on your

telephone line that is capable of receiving FSK according to ETSI standards.

Setting options:

Disable (0) - 2N® SmartGate UMTS does not transmit

the CLI.

FSK during ringing (1) -2N® SmartGate UMTS

transmits the FSK-based CLI according to the ETSI EN

300 659 standard (transmission during ringing).

Default setting:


Replace character + in CLI by

Function No.: 149

If this parameter is filled, the + character in the international prefix of CLI is

replaced by the defined string. The + character can neither be transmitted by

the FSK protocol nor dialed by the DTMF from a terminal.

Setting options:

0-4 characters (0-9,*,#)

Default setting:


„BabyCall“ – Automatic call

BabyCall number

Function No.: 180

A number to be dialed for the automatic call function. If this item is blank, the

function is disabled.

Setting options:

0-20 characters (0-9,*,#,+)

Default setting:


BabyCall timeout [s]

Function No.: 181

Time between line Off-Hook and automatic call beginning (if enabled). During

this timeout 2N® SmartGate UMTS waits for dialing that cancels the automatic

call. You can make standard call if the BabyCall function is enabled.

Setting options:

0-255 s

Setting step:

1 s

Default setting:

0 s