Table of programmable parameters 3.2, Ssh - forwarding – 2N Wireless 3G router 2N EasyRoute_old design - User manual, 1571 v1.06 User Manual
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Table of Programmable Parameters
Enable SSH client
Enable the use of the SSH protocol.
SSH server name
Enter the name of the SSH server to which 2N
EasyRoute is to be connected.
Client public key
A key generated by 2N
EasyRoute (represented by a code), which can be stored
on a disk.
Host public key
A key generated by the server (represented by a code), which can be stored on a
Always accept remote host key
Enable this field to make the key acceptable before connecting to a server not
used so far. If this field is not Enabled, the server’s public key is checked for
match with an earlier stored key when the server is used repeatedly and if no
match is found, the connection is rejected. This enhances security and prevents
some types of attacks.
Erase host key database
Whenever a change in the server’s public key occurs, delete the stored list of keys
to enable the key check as described above.
Generate private key
Generate a key of your own for server connection. The key is displayed in the
Public key field.
Select a type of the key to be generated: RSA/DSS.
Set the size in bits for the key to be generated.
Setting options:
As required by the server operator, we recommend you
to keep the value 1024. After a key of the required
value is stored, the size is reset to 1024.
SSH - Forwarding
The SSH forwarding function allows for port forwarding using the SSH tunnel.
Select the side to initiate the connection: Remote/Local.
Set the port number to which requirements of the device connected to
EasyRoute should be routed.
Set the IP address and port to which the connection is routed.
Setting options:
IP address:port number