Table of programmable parameters 3.2 – 2N Wireless 3G router 2N EasyRoute_old design - User manual, 1571 v1.06 User Manual

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Table of Programmable Parameters



Ticket valid time

Set the time period during which the connection may be activated. After this time

period passes, the ticket becomes invalid. The value predefined in the Basic menu

is used by default.

Setting options:

1 minute to 60 days

Ticket preview

Displays the parameters of the ticket to be generated and information on the last

ten tickets generated.
Serial – ticket serial number, assigned automatically;
Code – connection code with a ticket;
Time of connection – time for connection;
Ticket valid time – ticket validity term;
Price – ticket price.

FUP limit

Set the data transmission limit for the given ticket. The value included in the

Basic menu is displayed here. However, you can change the value any time

during the ticket sale.

Setting options:

1 kB – 100 GB

FUP mode

Set the FUP limit mode for the given ticket.

SMS notify

Fill in a phone number to which SMS information on the ticket should be sent. To

send the SMS, push the Send button.

Setting options:

Phone number of up to 20 digits