B - installing the canisters – Fast & Fluid II Series Blendorama User Manual
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© Fast & Fluid Management, Blendorama series II
B - Installing the canisters
Please note that this procedure is used for all canister sizes, although only
1.75L (22P) canisters are shown here. Other canister assemblies will vary
in size and appearance, however the procedure remains the same.
Connecting tubes are sized specifically for each canister and turntable size
– please do not mix between different models.
Step 1 - Prepare and install the inner ring of canisters.
(1) Select the parts used in an inner canister
(A) canister with bush (B) at base
(C) connecting tube
(D) remote bracket and pump assembly
(E) washer collar self-tapping screw
(2) Firmly push the
connecting tube into the