7 troubleshooting -1, 1 analyzer repar -1, 2 error symbols -1 – Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual
Page 96: 7 troubleshooting 7.1 analyzer repair, 2 error symbols

Instruction 24-9448
7 Troubleshooting
7.1 Analyzer Repair
It s recommended that feld repar of the PCA 2 be lmted to:
Checks of prnted crcut board connectors
Replacng the probe assembly
Replacng the flter element n the water trap / flter assembly
Replacng sensors
Replacng ether the gas or purge pump
Informaton on how to perform these repars s provded n Secton 6.
All other repars should be performed by an authorzed Bacharach Servce
Center (refer to Secton 8.3). Any repars performed by an unauthor-
ized servce organzaton wll vod the analyzer’s warranty and release
Bacharach, Inc. of any mpled or wrtten product lablty.
7.2 Error Symbols
Error symbols are shown n the data felds of the Combuston Test screens
and on the prntout to ndcate the followng:
- - -
” Three hyphens or dashes ndcates that the calculated data can-
not be dsplayed because the measured data necessary to make
the calculaton s out of range. For calculatons to occur, the oxy-
gen level must be below 16% and the stack temperature must be
below 2,000 °F (1,093 °C).
∗ ∗ ∗
” Three stars appear n the data feld of sensors that are not
nstalled, defectve, or found to be n overrange durng warm-
up, and also n the data felds of that sensor’s related calculated
values. For example, f the data feld of ether the NO or NO
sensor contans three stars, then the NOx data feld wll also
contan three stars.
"X X X" Indcates sensor overrange.