5 connector descrptons -6, 1 probe connectons (gas, pressure, t-stack) -6, 2 t-air (prmary ar thermocouple) -6 – Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual
Page 12: 5 connector descriptions, 1 probe connections (gas, pressure, t-stack), 2 t-air (primary air thermocouple)

Instruction 24-9448
emsson levels n the stack gas and then dsplay measured and calculated
values on ts LCD. Values are lsted n Secton 2 Specfcatons.
Durng a test, the CO
sensor s protected from hgh CO levels by beng
automatcally flushed wth fresh ar when the detected CO level exceeds
4,000 ppm. The analyzer wll automatcally start usng ts optonal CO-
sensor, f nstalled, at CO levels startng at 4,001 ppm, thus provdng
contnuous CO readngs up to 20,000 ppm.
A backlght enables a user to read the dsplay n dmly-lt areas. Turn the
backlght ON and OFF by brefly pressng the I/O button.
The analyzer s turned OFF by pressng and holdng down the I/O button
for at least 2 seconds. Note that there s a 5-second delay before the analyz-
er actually turns OFF, durng whch tme the analyzer can be turned back
ON by pressng the RUN/HOLD button. In addton, there s a gas-purge
feature that keeps the analyzer’s pump runnng f the gas level nsde the
sensor chambers s abnormally hgh at shutdown. Wth the probe removed
from the stack and samplng fresh ar, the analyzer purges tself untl the
detected gas concentratons drop below predetermned levels.
1.5 Connector Descriptions
1.5.1 Probe Connections (Gas, Pressure, T-Stack)
Attach the probe and hose assembly to the analyzer by connectng ts . . .
• stack-gas thermocouple to the analyzer's T-STACK connector,
• stack-gas hose to the analyzer's GAS connector,
• draft hose to the analyzer's +∆P connector.
Observe that the probe connectors are of dfferent szes and shapes, whch
prevent ncorrect connecton to ther assocated connectors on the analyzer.
1.5.2 T-AIR (Primary Air Thermocouple)
If thermocouple P/N 104-1797 (10 feet long) or Utlty Wand P/N 104-1799
(12 nch rdged probe wth handle and 5 foot coled cable) s to be used
to measure the burner’s prmary ar temperature, then connect ether of
these thermocouples to the analyzer’s T-AIR connector.