4 operation -1, 1 operatng tps -1, 4 operation 4.1 operating tips – Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual

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Instruction 24-9448



4 Operation
4.1 Operating Tips

• When an analyzer s brought n from a cold vehcle, let t warm up slowly

to mnmze condensaton. Temperatures below freezng wll not dam-

age the analyzer; however, brngng a cold analyzer nto a warm, humd

envronment may cause condensate to form nsde the case.
CAUTION: Although the analyzer itself is not damaged by an extremely

cold environment, the electrochemical sensors may be damaged. The O


sensor's electrolyte will freeze at approximately -20 ºF and the other sen-

sors at approximately -94 ºF. If the analyzer is exposed to an extremely

cold condition, it is strongly suggested that the sensor housings be exam-

ined for hairline cracks. Be aware that a leaking sensor can cause chemi-

cal burns to the skin and possibly damage the PCB assemblies.

• Ensure that the analyzer s samplng fresh ar when turned ON. Pullng

a stack-gas sample through the analyzer durng ts warm-up perod wll

not damage the analyzer, but t wll result n ncorrect sensor readngs,

and may result n sensor error messages appearng after the warm-up

cycle completes.

• Note that flue-gas condensate s acdc and very corrosve. It s mportant

not to allow the analyzer’s nternal components to come n contact wth

condensate for long perods of tme.

• Before each use, nspect the flter element of the water-trap / flter as-

sembly. Replace the flter f t looks drty. Refer to Secton 6.2.

• When samplng flue-gas, keep the analyzer above the water-trap, and

keep the trap n a vertcal poston. Ths wll maxmze the effectveness

of the trap and keep lqud condensate from beng drawn drectly nto the


• When lqud condensate s seen nsde the water trap, empty the trap

before t becomes full. Refer to Secton 4.9.

• It s recommended that the analyzer be purged after performng a com-

buston test. Once the probe s removed from the stack, let the pump run

for 10 mnutes or so to completely remove any remanng stack gases and

dry any condensate from nsde the sensor chamber and probe assembly.

If the analyzer s turned OFF wth hgh levels of flue gas remanng

n the analyzer, then the pump wll contnue to run and the message

“PURGING SENSORS” wll appear on the dsplay untl all flue gas

levels fall below predetermned levels.

• When storng the analyzer, t’s a good dea to empty the water trap and

leave t open to further dry t out.

• Calbrate the analyzer every 6 months to assure ts accuracy.